Farewell from Miss White

Thank you so much for the amazing send-off in the church! It brought back so many special memories.
I feel very emotional as I write my final bulletin. Thank you so much for the amazing send-off in the church! I only just managed to hold it together. It brought back so many special memories and I was also so moved by the beautiful singing and the kind words and prayers.
It has been such a privilege to lead the school for the last 10 years and, indeed, to see at least 1,280 children develop and grow, turning into young adults with a wide range of skills and talents and the confidence to take on the next stage of their lives. Fresh in my memory is this week’s leavers’ celebrations for our current Year 6 who are now ready to fly the nest and take all their creative thinking and their passion for leading and organising to secondary school. I feel so honoured that you have entrusted your children to me for these key years. It has been wonderful to be part of such a close knit and supportive community, even or rather especially at challenging times, and I will really miss this.
I have been overwhelmed by the beautiful ‘send-offs’ and ‘thank yous' you have given me, at the fair, individually and today at the end of term service. Thank you for my rose with its delicate pale pink petals, my Neom wellbeing set to contribute to my relaxation, my framed quotations, my pig mug (there had to be a pig reference!) and my incredibly generous theatre vouchers and John Lewis vouchers. You have given so many special memories. I wish you every happiness in the future. I know that I will leave the school in the hands of an incredibly strong team, and I know that Mr Meehan will be a fantastic headteacher who will take it confidently and skilfully forward on the next steps on its journey.
I wish you a very happy and relaxing summer,
Best wishes,
Tabitha White