Weekly Bulletin - Friday 28th January

Read this week's bulletin for our latest news...
I am very excited to be able to share that we have relaunched our school website www.ccnm.uk. It is full of information about the school, including information about each subject children are taught. I would like to thank Mrs Graves and Mrs Holden for the extensive amounts of time and thought that they have dedicated to this project. We intend it to be regularly updated with information that is useful to parents. If there is anything that you think could improve our website, please let us know. For those of you who have an Instagram account, you can follow us there, too: (https://www.instagram.com/ccnmprimary/).
We have also relaunched our ‘worry button’ on the children’s chromebooks. The Juniors will see it every time they open their chromebooks. (The Infants have worry boxes in their classrooms). Do encourage them to use it if something is worrying them. It is a lovely confidential way in which they can communicate with their class teacher, Mrs Roe (SENCO) and myself. If something is a concern, we want to know so that we can address it speedily. You are also most welcome to use the class email address and/or mine (head@ccnm.uk). Things which may seem small to adults can seem large for children and we can offer a range of support, whether it is time with the classteacher, a pastoral mentor, class lessons addressing an issue or meetings with the people concerned.
This week has been a rather tricky week as our number of COVID cases in some classes has increased very rapidly. Thank you so much for bearing with rather brief messages about tests. I hope that the fuller letter at the end of yesterday explained the situation more clearly. We wanted to do all we could to stop the spread in its tracks (even turning the junior hall into a mini testing centre). My job description seems to become more and more varied! Please do keep on with the testing. So far our staff have fared relatively well because of the precautions you have taken. (We hear of far higher staff absence in other schools). We would love to keep it that way, particularly as there are very few supply teachers to be had.
Birthday Books
Many families like to celebrate their child’s birthday in school by bringing something that can be shared with the class. We would respectfully ask that you do not bring in sweets to share as we are trying to encourage healthier eating habits as well as cater for a wide variety of dietary requirements within the school.
If you would like to give a book to your child’s class, but are struggling for ideas, please browse through the following lists. These books are designed to be an exciting and fresh addition to the books we have in school at the moment. They will offer all the richness of a good book and also explore a range of cultures and themes as well. This list will be updated annually.
The most of the books on the nursery and infant lists are available here Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2. Junior lists to follow next week. (Unfortunately Amazon is the only retailer which allows us to create an easy to use list, but do use another bookshop if you prefer. If you do then please contact your child’s teacher (or ask your child to check - if they are older) to find out if any of them have already been gifted.
More Football Success
Well done to our Year 3/4 girls’ football team who performed brilliantly in their match against Corpus on Tuesday, winning 4-0! We are certainly enjoying the opportunity to take part in local competitions. Thank you so much to Mrs Kinnear for organising these and to Mr Newman for being their coach.
Parents’ Evening - 23rd & 24th March
This term we have the following opportunities for parents to meet with their child’s teacher and discuss how your child has settled in to the class and to talk about their learning:
- Wednesday 23rd March from 4.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.
- Thursday 24th March from 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. (school closes 1 hour early)
We are again offering online video appointments through the online appointment booking system, School Cloud. These will be both with the class teacher and the SENCO, Alex Roe, where appropriate. You will receive an email in the coming weeks with instructions on how to book. We find that online appointments are generally the most effective way to hold the appointments, as they ensure that everyone has a fair allocation of time and that people can join even if they are still at work. It also makes it easier to attend appointments when you have children on both sites and avoids the stress of delays and queuing. However, do let us know if there is a particular reason why this does not work for you, so we can explore alternative options.
Message from Mrs Honeybone
We would like to thank all our parents who came in last Sunday to help tidy our wilderness garden and tackle the many brambles! We really appreciate your support and a special thanks to Sasha Svensson for organising. If you would like to get involved in the future, please let Mrs Honeybone know by emailing squirrel@ccnm.uk
Closing date for Nursery Applications 2022
Please note that the closing date for Nursery applications is Friday, 4th March 2022. We are offering the final tours at 9:30am on 31 January and 21 February 2022. Please contact the office to book a place and let neighbours know if you think they would be interested.
Tabitha White
Key Dates - Spring 2022
- Friday 4th February - Y3/4 Choir Cluster Concert at Rose Theatre
- Friday 4th February - Y5 Trip to Buddhapadipa Temple
- Monday 7th February - Y1 Trip to the London Aquarium
- Wednesday 23rd March - Parents’ Evening from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Thursday 24th March - Parents’ Evening from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00. p.m (school closes 1 hour early)