Weekly Parent Update - Friday 13th October

Please do come and join our PTA AGM on Monday 16th October at 8pm in the junior hall, which is open to all parents.
Weekly Update from Mr Meehan
The early part of this week felt like the summer term all over again, with lots of precious warm sunshine. The week started with our Year 6 worship leaders, Helena, Libby, Bryan and Eleanor leading their first collective worship for both infants and juniors, which they did very confidently and thoughtfully.
Then, on Tuesday, we were so proud this week of some of our Year 6s, who were part of our first tour for new parents this week, acting as tour guides for our visitors. Emily and Keira, our Pupil Leaders, also helped welcome the parents with some of their own memories in the introduction to the tours. We have plenty more tours coming up later this term - so do please invite any friends you know who may have children about to start school.
There has been some super learning going on this week in classes across the school. One of the loveliest highlights I saw was some super volcano painting going on in Year 1 one afternoon, with many children demonstrating some very careful brush skills. I’ve also given out a number of gold stickers this week, at both infants and juniors, for some great progress in phonics, spelling and writing, with some children looking rightly very proud of themselves and seeing that practice really does pay off!
It was so special to bring the whole school together last Friday for our Harvest Service. We also make sure we bring our infants and juniors together regularly through our ‘Chums’ scheme. Next week is one of our ‘Chums’ weeks when our Chums get together for an activity, which is usually enjoyed by all.
Please do come and join our PTA AGM on Monday evening at 8pm in the junior hall, which is open to all parents! There will be snacks on arrival and part of the meeting will include a sharing of some of the exciting proposed funding projects for the school over the year ahead, for the PTA and all our parent community to get behind.
Talking of the PTA, would you believe, Christmas has also come to our school in these last couple of weeks with children busily designing Christmas cards? We have also taken one of these designs for our poster which will be advertising our PTA Christmas Fair on Sat 25th Nov, so congratulations to Ella Gebara of Gazelle Class on this wonderful design!
It’s definitely too early for a ‘Merry Christmas’, but I wish you all a good weekend!
Our School Updates for Parents
Parent Reps Mr Meehan and Mr Burkinshaw meet termly with the parent reps from each class and our first meeting of the year is on Tuesday 7th November. If you are a parent rep this year, please complete the form emailed to parents today and you will be contacted by Mrs Parkes in the school office.
Reminder: Music Soloists Concert - Morning of Friday 10th November
If your child plays an instrument or sings and they would like to take part, they can send in an audition video to Mrs Bond (lucy.bond@ccnm.uk) by Friday 20th October (but sooner if possible). This will then give the teachers time to look through all of the auditions to choose a variety of performances for the concert, and allow time for rehearsing at school with the piano if needed. Parents will be invited to watch the concert as will the children's chums and class mates.
If your child is choosing a song, please consider the length (maybe stick to one or two verses and a chorus). Also please make sure the lyrics are appropriate and the song can be sung easily by a child (some pop songs are not suitable for young' voices). The children may sing in a group with friends if they can arrange a video audition together.
We will be available to accompany instrumental pieces and songs if needed, but music will need to be provided (or a backing track found).
Come and join our team! We currently have a new exciting vacancy for a teaching assistant to join our team, based at our infant site, with a focus on working with children with social and emotional needs. Here is the advert. Please speak to Mrs Roe or Mr Burkinshaw if you’d like more details.
Secondary School Application Deadline - Please can we remind Year 6 parents/carers that the deadline for secondary school applications is Tuesday, 31st October. Please remember to complete your on-line application if you haven't already done so. Please go to eAdmissions to apply.
Wider Community Updates
Wimbledon Festive Light Trail - 23rd November - 17th December
There is a Wimbledon Festive Light Trail at Cannizaro Park from 23rd November until 17th December. Please see the website or the attached poster for more details should this be of interest.
Key School Dates
- Monday 16th – Friday 20th October – Chums Week
- Monday 16th October - PTA AGM (arrive 7:45pm for 8:00pm start) in the Junior Hall
- Tuesday 17th October - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
- Tuesday 17th October - Y3&4 Drumming Workshops (am)
- Wednesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening - 3:45 – 6:45pm
- Thursday 19th October - School finishes 1 hour early @ 2:05p.m. (infants), 2:20 p.m. (juniors) and Connect 6:15 p.m.
- Thursday 19th October – Parents’ Evening - 2:45 - 5:45pm
- Friday 20th October - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
- Friday 20th October - Y5 Trip to Hampton Court
- Monday 23rd – Friday 27th October – Half Term
- Monday 30th October - Y6 Trip to Imperial War Museum
- Friday 3rd November - PTA Break the Rules Day
- Monday 6th November - Y6 Trip to the Buddhapadipa Temple
- Tuesday 7th November - World Day
- Wednesday 8th November – Reception – Y6 Individual Photographs & Sibling Photographs
- Thursday 9th November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
- Thursday 9th November – Leopard Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Friday 10th November - PTA Non Uniform Day
- Friday 10th November – Soloists Concert @ 9am
- Sunday 12th November - Remembrance Day Parade @ 8:45am
- Monday 13th – Friday 17th November – Anti-Bullying Week
- Monday 13th – Friday 17th November - Y4 Bikeability (am only)
- Monday 13th November – Y1 Pollock’s Toy Museum Workshop
- Wednesday 22nd November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
- Thursday 23rd November – Learning Look @ 4:30-5:30pm
- Saturday 25th November – PTA Christmas Fair
- Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December – Wellbeing Week
- Monday 27th November - Y6 Choir singing at John Lewis @ 10:30am
- Thursday 30th November – Antelope Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Monday 4th December – Y5 Greek Workshop (pm)
- Monday 11th – Friday 15th December – Chums Week
- Tuesday 12th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 2pm and 6pm
- Thursday 14th December – Reception Nativity @ 9am
- Wednesday 20th December – Church Service @ 9:45am
- Wednesday 20th December – Term finishes @ 1:05p.m. (infants), 1:20 p.m. (juniors) and Connect 5:15 p.m.
- Thursday 21st December – INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Friday 22nd December – Friday 5th January – Christmas Holiday
- Monday 8th January – INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Tuesday 9th January – Pupils return to school