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Faith Group

Faith Group is an RE pupil voice group made up of a representative from each class in our Junior School. We meet every half term - sometimes we are joined by Mr Meehan or Mrs Caldwell (our RE link Governor). At faith group, we discuss each year group's RE learning through the half term, as well as Collective Worship, Chums and RE trips. We have also recently added discussion points relating to spirituality to the agenda of our meetings. There is always a time for children to share suggestions for further improving RE and Collective Worship in our school. 

Here are some quotes from our recent Faith Group Meetings over the last year:

"I like having debates because you can actually see the other person’s point of view. It helps you understand them so you can use this information later."

“I like ‘If I were a butterfly’ - it reminds us what God’s creation is and that we should remember him for what he created.”

 “The thinking deeper questions help bring your own worldview into things because you really think about the question.”

“I liked how in assemblies we have been listening to the songs when we are coming in - we like them!”

“I enjoy watching Open the Book [in Collective Worship] because sometimes the stories are played out, and you can see what happened”

Meeting Minutes